5 Senses for kids Foundation in the spotlight among childcare professionals

On 27 July 2022 and on 28 Octobre 2022, LesProsDeLaPetiteEnfance.fr published an article on 5 Senses for kids Foundation & and why “You have to feed the natural curiosity of babies, and not force it by looking for performance” by Roland Salesse.

The platform was the subject of a detailed presentation of its vocation, its activities and its educational action prize.

LesProsDeLaPetiteEnfance.fr, the media for early childhood professionals

“Les pros de la Petite Enfance” was founded by two seasoned experts in Early Childhood:

  • Catherine Lelièvre, former editorial director of Parents (which she directed for 20 years), Infobébés, Infocrèche and Infocrèche pro;
  • Leslie Sawicka, founder and president of Mayane Groupe, the agency for influential parents on the web which created the magazines Parole de Mamans, Parole de sages-femmes and Parole de pédiatres.

It is a media outlet, a resource centre for practical information, a podcast and an online training centre for early childhood professions.

A foundation to promote multi-sensoriality

This is the title of the article on the 5 senses for kids Foundation. It details the vocation of our platform, “to build bridges between researchers, their incredible discoveries often confined to laboratories and the general public

He also talks about the particular context of the health crisis, which is a threat to the sensoriality of young children.

He presents the scientific committee and the activities of 5 senses for kids Foundation, including the educational action prize.

We invite you to read the full article

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