Why was this association created? What is its purpose? Current and future projects?

In this article, Hélène Fournier, secretary of Nez en Herbe since 2022, explains why olfactory awareness and education are so important for young children.

It’s spring, and nature is coming back to life! Let’s explore new opportunities for discovery with our children.

Last part of the interview.

Continuation of the first part.

Dr. Catherine Gueguen, pediatrician, helps us to better understand how children perceive the world and “the other”, feel our words or our attitudes towards them and how to communicate with them.

Second part of the interview with Christian Hugonnet

First part of the interview with Christian Hugonnet

We continue our tour of the seasons with this article devoted to winter.

Arnaud Leleu, is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Burgundy. He explains us today how the senses contribute to a child’s socialization.

Together, let’s consider the wonderful development opportunities that autumn offers our young children.