presents the « 5 senses for kids Foundation » platform, the number one media outlet on parenting is the number one media outlet for parents discovering parenting. It has over 3 million unique visitors per month.
It is one of the top 1,000 French-language sites and one of the top 20 sites in the parenting sector.
That’s why we are delighted to publish an article presenting the 5 senses for kids Foundation platform, in the “Childcare” category of this web giant.
The singing nursery
This is the title of the article dedicated to us. And this is how the platform is presented:
“In order for our young generations to grow up in a fulfilling and learning-friendly environment, Claudia Kespy-Yahi, founder of the Cap Enfants musical daycare centres and the Bulle Musicale®, decided to create a platform for parents with the help of neuroscientists and early childhood experts: 5 senses for kids Foundation. “
We invite you to read the whole article
Finally, it discusses the benefits of multi-sensory education and the development of 5 senses for kids Foundation the article also discusses the benefits of multi-sensory education and the development of the “child’s brain”, the bridge between neuroscience discoveries on the child’s brain and ideas for early-learning activities for young parents.
The aim is to provide parents with advice and educational resources to help their children thrive.
” This is in favour of inclusion, equal opportunities, the development of all children and their openness to the world, which is undermined in our societies. These are the words of the founder of 5 senses for kids Foundation, Claudia Kespy-Yahi.
Enjoy reading!